Why Writing Keyword Rich Content Attracts More Traffic

writing keyword rich contentWhy do we write articles?… the main goal is to attract more traffic to our websites. How do we do this, by writing keyword rich content around keywords that that our visitors are typing into search engines.

When I first got started online I wrote hundreds of articles, some not too shabby even if I say so myself. Though I got a few hits yet I never build an audience and certainly failed to pass the hundred dollar a day mark.

So for all the effort what was I missing?… the main ingredient “relevant keywords”. So before you write another word let’s get you on the right track to increase traffic, improve your search engine rankings and get people coming to your business at no cost?

By determining your best search keywords, writing an article that include those relevant keywords will put you on the radar of people looking for what you provide.

Relevant Keywords to Maximize Search

Your site needs to include the relevant keywords to reach potential customers searching for your product or service.

To determine your keywords type a word or term you think people in your market might search for in keywordtool.io a free tool which will also give a list of related words and phrases that may be of value in your research.

Once you’ve gathered a list of useful keyword ideas, you can do some serious research using an in depth keyword tool. Jaaxy, keyword tool digs deep proving with a ton of valuable information,? like? what people are searching for online, keyword competition, competing website and, even how to find affiliate products related your audience. This brilliant tool will find search terms that are popular but don’t have too many sites competing for them. Jaaxy is a paid service, offering a free trial to experience it’s power firsthand. Used by top entrepreneurs it’s an affordable and essential way to create content for maximum serachabilty.

Once you have list of great keywords, find as many places as you can to place them into your user friendly site. Use them in your headers, sub header’s, meta tags, text copy, a little on page SEO.

Create a Keyword Rich Article

Using relevant keywords create a keyword rich article that relate to your product or service. You can either post it on your site, or offer it as a guest post on an authority for free. Why give it away? Often larger sites rank higher in search engines like Google, as a result they get a lot of traffic which could give your article the exposure it deserves. If you write valuable content that’s give readers what their looking for, they’re likely to head back to your site increasing web traffic.

For example, if you have a weight loss site, you could write an article about ten delicious under 100 calorie treats to enjoy while losing weight. Or if you sell an e-book about affiliate marketing why not write an article about the 7 daily habits of highly successful affiliate marketers?

Look for article that address peoples needs, give solutions to people’s burning questions. Share the latest tips or must know trends you’ve spotted in your industry. Your quick piece should:

Content Tips

  • Be no longer than 500 words (not even a whole page in Microsoft Word)
  • Contain a relevant keyword in the title and sprinkled throughout the article naturally
  • Keywords in the first and last paragraphs
  • Include a short bio with a link to your site at the end. For instance, “Carli?is a recognized authority on the subject of working from anywhere. Her site, www.workfromanywherehappy.com, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you’ll ever need to know about making an income working from anywhere.”

Make Your Content Visible

Once you’ve written a few articles, it’s time to make your content visible. First add content to your website so visitors will have something to look forward to after they’ve read your awesome article on authority platforms.

Here are a few place top online content distribution sites to Upload your keyword-rich content to:

Most articles sites state that the content can’t be changed and the author’s info stay intact. So if your article get published you may get a boost traffic to your site.

Or if you want to focus on building your site, make sure you have a list of relevant keywords (very important), create relevant content around them and post them regularly on your site. Follow these steps and you’ll quickly watch your site grow.

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Just remember the first rule to great articles “Relevant Keywords” and you’ll be set!

Try Your Business Keyword Below