Hey guys what is up I am but chillin in My office right now and I'm actually Running it to come up with what blog Posts I'm going to write this week I'm Gonna write two blog posts this week Because I missed uploading last week and I figured that this is a great video Opportunity I've been honestly I've been Wanting to shoot this video for a while Talking about how I maintain my content Calendar and how I created it and coming Up with the ideas for clothes and stuff Like that so I figured point out for you Guys a long as I am at like the Beginning stages of creating a blog post Because honestly I do not even know no I Do not have anything even on my content Calendar this week for my blog post my YouTube content calendar is built out About a month in advance because there's A lot more content that I create on There I upload every three days on YouTube compared to my blog and only Upload once a week so I'm trying to Really be dedicated to my blog and make Sure that I'm sticking into that once a Week but YouTube is definitely taking my Priority recently so with that being Said I'm going to brainstorm some ideas On what blog posts I could write today And then we will go from there I created the template for my content Calendar a long time ago I think this is The exact same template that I started

Using when I launched my blog I just use Google sheets to manage my content Calendar that way if I am on my iPad or If I am on my desktop I can get access To it anywhere it's not like it's an Excel spreadsheet you know that's only Lives in one place like it is updated Automatically or I guess you could say It's updated instantly and I can get Access to it on whatever device am using So I really love using Google sheets and Some of the things that I include within My content calendar and keep it very Very simple it used to be a bit more Broken out and used to come with the Keywords and a general topic so that I Knew I wasn't just posting about Pinterest three times in a row and now That I'm so used to doing this I can see If I'm posting about Pinterest three Times in a row so I don't feel like I Need that certain topic there but some Of the things that I pay attention to Are the number so what number blog post That is because when I hit big Milestones I like to write certain blog Post so when I hit a 100 blog post I Ended up doing a giveaway for it and Then when I hit 200 which will probably Be maybe mid This year I will probably do another Giveaway for it and I might write a Special blog post for that so I'd like To pay attention to the number what

Number is like how many blog posts I Have lunch I like to pay attention to The launch date of course whether it is Complete and then the title and some Additional notes as well and then also Within my content calendar I do have an Idea section so if I ever have someone Write out to me on an Instagram or just Through email saying hey what are your Thoughts on this topic I will put that In the idea section and I will go Through those then and decide what ones Are worth doing other times if I have Someone give me an idea that I think is Really important then I want to write About immediately I do make sure that I Put them directly in my content calendar Within my schedule so that I can write Them because otherwise they might get Left behind so I do still have some Ideas in there and I think that's where I'm going to get started one thing I Also consider when it comes to like Planning out my content calendar I don't Like too many posts that start the same Way so like if I have too many lists in A row I don't really like that as well As too many how to is in a row and the Past like four or so of mine have been Held to post so I need to do something Other than a how to post today So I've got the two blog posts I'm going To write I figured them out so I've got The two next to Vogue pose figured out

And since you guys a follow me here You guys would get a sneak peek at what Is coming for the blog so the first one Is going to be tips for creating a Brands that people actually want to Follow and the next one is going to be How to collaborate with other broker Buh-buh-buh-buh how to collaborate with Other bloggers to grow your audience and Reach so I think that one it's extremely Important and I don't think I have Anything else like that on my blog yet So I'm excited about those two so I put Them in my content calendar and the next Thing I'm going to do I actually just Got this notepad because guys okay Whenever I do YouTube videos or blog Posts I write down all of my points that I want to talk about and I just have a Ton of papers floating around my desk And it's driving me insane They're bothering me so I ended up I Found this which is actually really cute It says the secret of getting ahead is Getting started and that's by Mark Twain's so I bought this and now I can Just talk all my pages you know one Thing and I don't need to keep ripping Them more like flipping them over my Notepad and just making an annoying but I'm going to do I like to write the Title right up top and then below that I'm going to brainstorm all the points That I want to talk about in the blog

Post and then those are gonna be my Heading tags and I'm just gonna build it Out from there so I am actually gonna go Blind eat it too right oh my eye itches How I can't stop let me know I'm you're Gonna go and eat it too right I'm gonna Do the whole entire process there and Yeah let's go to gummies [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay we are back home pull on my iPad And what I'm going to do I have the blog Post all written it is let me see how Long it is I think it's like 2111 words What I am going to do I'm going to Select all here my copy I'm going to go Over to my website I'm going to paste All of this information and now we're Going to save draft and then I will be Able to admit on my computer when it Comes to add in my blog posts guys I Could do oh my goodness okay there's a Lot that goes into editing a blog post Mike just launched a YouTube video Talking about how you can make your blog Post more interesting we're not engaging Them up with your content with your blog Post and we are going to change that in Today's video that is kind of my process I go through I break it down I highlight Things that need to be hyland i will use My heading tags where heading tags are Needed I will add my Twitter image my

Pinterest image all my opt-ins my ads I Want and add my footer I will do the SEO I mean nervous so so much that goes into The process of just adding my blog post And it typically takes me an additional Two hours so depending on like vitac my Creative juices flowing it could take me An hour or less to write a blog post but It will take me probably well over two Hours to edit a blog post sometimes it Could take me a total of six hours to You know post on it really Depends I'm gonna go ahead and start Editing this blog post get it ready for Launch an old colleague alive tomorrow So by the time you guys see this YouTube Video the post will be live if you are Curious about how you can build your Brand or create an engage following or Great content that someone actually Wants to follow I'm not sure exactly What I'm going to take a light yet but You guys understand what I'm getting I Care so and that is it for this video I Hope you guys like seeing a little Behind the scenes of my content calendar It's pretty straight forward honestly I Just used Google sheets that's really Many tip and then have an idea section And put content in there when like you Think it applies or when it sounds good And give yourself the flexibility and The freedom to not always have to write What is on your content calendar because

Sometimes I will break it out a quarter In advance so I try to do like the Beginning of the first quarter I will Break it out the whole way through it April and that's a lot of content but by The time I make it to March I may not be Inspired to write some of those things Anymore so I give myself the flexibility And the freedom to move things around as I go if I have something in there that I'm not inspired to write about I will Move it and put something else that I am Inspired to write about or if you guys Give me an idea that I think is really Awesome I will move that and make that a Top priority so give yourself the Freedom and flexibility within your Content calendar the one thing you Really want to make sure is that you Have your dates laid out for you so you Know exactly when you are posting and When you're supposed to have a blog post Up that way you can stay consistent and Always have an idea sheet running Because when you get to the day that You're supposed to watch a blog post you Haven't written anything yet and you Have no idea what to write about if you Go to your idea section it's going to Give you something that you can write About no matter your creativity levels So I hope you guys found that helpful if You did please go to thumbs up and Subscribe to my channel and I will see

You guys back here in another one Hey guys [Music]