Before we really get into this video I Just want to let you guys know the Sun Is coming in and out all throughout the Video drove me insane I am so sorry About it I started the video and it was A really cloudy day and then it was just Like sunny cloudy sunny cloudy and the Exposure is all over the place so I am Sorry I apologize for that but the Contact and the information in this Video is still good so he'll let you Watch it enjoy and I will see you guys There hey guys what is up and welcome Back to my channel I'm not sure if You've noticed but the past few videos I Have been using a different microphone Typically I have been using the Microphone that's within my camera but It's not that great there's some Cracking it seems super echoing in here So I ended up getting a new microphone For Christmas which if you actually Watched my blogging gifts that I got for Christmas that is included in there so I've been using this microphone I'm Turning on a new spot with it I'm also Trying out new settings with a Meg Camera so it's supposed to be less shaky More a little bit in focus I don't know We'll see sometimes I'm not too happy With the video but other times I'm Really happy with it just depends I do Not have a viewfinder or like a screen To see myself so I have no idea what I

Look like until the video is basically Done being shot I do a few testers and That's it so we are rolling with what we Got here but I'm hoping you guys are Liking the changes hopefully in the Future I can just get a new camera and That's gonna make a huge difference and Today we're going to be talking about Creating your first ever paid a product For your blog this is ooh such an Important topic because I feel like There's not a lot of resources out there When it comes to creating paid products There's a little bit when it comes to Like creating ebooks or real books you Can find those all about like how to Sell on Amazon and stuff like that you Can find YouTube videos but I feel like When it comes to creating your own Course or deciding what paid products You create there's not a lot of great Resources out there for free there's Some paid courses that you can signed up For or other paid products such as books Or ebooks that you can get but I just Feel like there's not a lot of great Resources for free for you guys so today I just want to talk about how you can Come up with an idea that is actually Going to be a successful paid product Instead of just coming up with something Rolling with it and then it's just being A flop I also wrote a blog post sharing The 10 steps to create a successful paid

Product in just two months so if you Want to check that out make sure that You check that out and there is a Freebie included in there that is a Calendar basically it's a plan for Reading your paid product and watching Your paid product it's a calendar over The next few months how you can bang it All out so if you want to check that out Those are included in the description Bar down below and let's go ahead and Get in today's video hey guys what is up And welcome back to my channel if you Are new here I am Kathryn the crew to The content bug and I'm here to help you Follow your passion by growing your Audience online on this channel and on My blog there's a lot of resources that Were all around blogging and digital Marketing I touched upon the search Engine optimization SEO social media Made me Pinterest and Instagram and I Just talked about blogging in general You can monetize your blog page grow Your blog and basically the resources You need to become a successful blogger So if you want to check out my blog that Is included in the description bar down Below same with all of my social media Links and if you want to please Subscribe to my channel because it Really does help this for me I like this video while you were down There and I swear I'm actually gonna

Start getting into this video now let me Start by telling you guys a little story When I created my first paid product oh It was a flop it was a disaster and Looking back I'm so glad that it Happened because I learned a lot from The experience but I also wish that I Wouldn't have tried to launch a product Too early Moving on since then I have created Twenty eighteen I created a lot of paid Products I created the blog this bundle I launched the book hustler which is Also included in the blog this bundle But it's also sold separately that is my Ebook I created a planner a physical Book that is a Productivity guide and a Planner and I also watched the TCB of Vault and in the future I'm hoping to Launch my ebook as a physical book so in 2018 I ended up launching it for paid Products and I just want to share some Tips with you on how you can come up With the idea for your paid product your Audience is really the core of the paid Products that you create they are going To make it a success not you yes you're Going to the work you're going to create The product you're going to launch it But it's those people that actually buy The paid product that really make it a Success so you may be at the point where You think that you're ready to create a Paid product or maybe you think that

Your audience is ready for you to have a Paid product but you're not necessarily Sure so this is where your survey comes In and you can turn to Instagram I turn The Instagram stories and you know they Have a poll section get to ask one Question and they get to select like yes Or no or whatever the two options are You can start on Instagram if you have a Decent Instagram audience or you can Create it like a survey monkey or just Seven Email to your email list and ask them if They would be willing to buy something From you and if so how much would they Pay would they pay a hundred plus Dollars 50 or less dollars maybe even 20 Or less dollars if you came out with a Paid product so one thing that I think Is extremely important when you're Surveying your audience is get to know Them you need to figure out who they are What they are looking for and what they Need what are some problems that you can Actually solve so for me when I came out With my blog this button all I did a Survey on Instagram and I asked by Audience how many of them were trying to Grow their blog and it was 90 percent of My audience that responded to the survey Said that they were trying to grow their Blog and then I asked if they actually Had a plan to grow their blog and only 22% 22% of the people surveyed said that

They actually had a plan to grow their Blog and for me that was a light bulb in My head and I realized they don't have a Plan to grow their blog that is their Problem that's why they're not growing So how can I create a product that will Solve that problem the product that you Create should solve your audience's Problems whatever their pain point is Whatever they're looking for you need to Provide the answer to their struggles Right now There are so many different pain points That you may be touching upon in your Free content that you provide but I'm Sure that there is a way that you can Actually take it up a level that they Would be willing to pay for it just Wanna give you some examples of my Favorite food fitness nutrition bloggers That I follow and the paid products that They have created so the first one is Lee from America I've really really like Lee from America I just think she is raw And real and I just like her content but There are two things that she has Created this past year that I've really Noticed and the first one is just a Little guide it's a meal prepping guide I think she only charged $10 for it It's her guide to meal prepping so Typically she shares on our Instagram How she meal prep so she cooks chicken And veggies and starches or whatever she

Is actually making for that week and That is her meals throughout the week so Then she doesn't spend so much time Every single night cooking food it's Already prepped so she created a whole Guide on how to do that recipes included And just pictures and a ton of Information and she sold it for only About ten dollars she also has hosted a Lot of paid workshops where she goes to Different cities and hosts workshops Where there's matcha they get free gifts And stuff and then she talks about Whatever the subject matter is that day Now that one isn't as much of a passive Income stream but it is still a paid Product that she created she developed These workshops and she's helping people By providing them with that almost One-on-one I mean it's a pretty big Group that goes but so that experience To work with her and get the knowledge That she has there's also Rachel's Good Eats Which I I really like how much content She pushes out she pushes out a ton of Instrum content and it's freaking Amazing but this year actually just Within the past few weeks within the Past month she has launched Rachel's Good sweat and it is her fitness guide So every single week Mumbai part of her Fitness plan and it's for I think it's For workouts for the week and it's like

Dollar 25 maybe for a workout and you Get to pay for it every single week so It's a subscription-based thing but it's Not here automatically subscribed to it So it's not like if you get week one you Have to get week two it's every single Week that you get to go and decide if You want that fitness workout for that Week so that's a pretty interesting Paper idea that she developed because it Is cheap her audience kind of forward it And it's not like it's something Massive and daunting it's just before Workouts that you can buy if you like it Buy more Sara's day I Sarah say is Probably my favorite youtuber right now I I love her I love her content I love Her relationship with Kurt I just I'm obsessed with her I think she Does an absolutely amazing job Connecting with her audience creating Her vlogs her hustle her drive the Amount of paid product she has created In the past year that I had been Following her just wow if he do not Follow Sara's day Go follow Sarah's day but she recently Came out with a paid product with her Pika actually and it is called body Bloom so she does have to fitness guides That you can pay for if you want to get Fitness guys she also has an active Clothing line she also has sunglasses That she came out with but recently she

Developed this product called body bloom And it's basically this powder substance That you use that includes all these Nutrients that is good for your skin for Your hair for your hormones for your Digestion it's just a lot of things but One of the reasons why she started her a Youtube channel was because of her Struggle with hormonal acne so this Product goes back to that and it's a Really unique product that she created And I feel like I haven't seen one like That recently so I thought that that was A really good example to provide with You guys but in the very last one I want To give you guys is actually a blogger Here in Rochester and it is McKenzie Stable she developed her own ebook that Is a recipes ebook that I think she sold For 20-some dollars ish but it's called Table for one And it contains a ton of recipes and I'm Sure that she worked her butt off on Creating that so those are just some Examples of paid products that others Have created there are honestly so many Paid products that you can create but Really it all comes down to who your Audience is if they're really willing to Buy a paid product what they're Struggling with and how you can solve That problem so I hope you found this Video helpful if it was please give it a Thumbs up and subscribe to my channel

I'm going to be coming out with two YouTube videos here soon one of them is Going to be talking about how you can Create your own online course I'm gonna Talk about my experience and really the Logistics of creating an online course As well as how to create your own ebook If you're interested in that so if you Want to see more videos like that make Sure you subscribe to my channel and I Will see you guys back here Very soon bye guys I mean I