Hey guys when you look at some Pinterest
accounts associated with food blogs and You see 10 plus million monthly page
views on so many of them It looks like Pinterest and food
bloggers were created for each other you Might be absolutely right but a lot of
times food bloggers who have millions of Monthly viewers on Pinterest reach out
to me or join my Pinterest marketing Course because they simply cannot figure
out how to actually get clicks from Their popular pins and how to drive
actual traffic from Pinterest to their Blogs Hi I'm Anastasia of AnastasiaBlogger.com I'm a Pinterest marketing Expert and on this channel I share my
Pinterest tips on Thursdays if that's What you would like to learn about then
click Subscribe and hit the bell button To get notified when my new video
tutorials go live so in this video I am Starting a series of videos that will
show you how Pinterest works for Different niches and different types of
businesses and you will find out from These videos what are the challenges and
what are the advantages for each of These niches when it comes to marketing
on Pinterest and I'll show you some Successful accounts they are doing
really a great job and I will review Their tactics along with checking some
other most typical mistakes that people Make from each specific niche in their
Pinterest strategy and today we will Talk about Pinterest for food bloggers
and actually not only for bloggers If you have a restaurant business or if
you are a food photographer trying to Get more clients from Pinterest you
might find all of the steps in this Video useful for you as well so let's
get into all the details and first of All I'd like to show you why food
bloggers are doing so well incredibly Well on Pinterest when you look at the
audience insights to go there you need To click on audience insights and then
from here you will click on all Pinterest users and when you look at the
statistics for all Pinterest users you Can see here the most popular categories
on Pinterest and if you scroll down a Little bit you'll see that food and
are a pretty broad and very popular Niche on Pinterest and you'll see what
are the most popular topics within this Niche and you can even scroll down and
see where your idea or where your blog Could feed inside inside this niche but
I'm just showing you this so you can Understand that it's one of the
indicators why this nation is doing so Well on Pinterest and then another way
you could also verify it is if you go to
Pinterest slap interest.com slash
categories and this is the page that all The new users are just signing up for
for the first time on Pinterest are Going to see and Pinterest is going to
ask them to select at least five Different categories that they would
like to follow and so here is the Category of food and drink this category
has eighty five point three million Followers on Pinterest and if we scroll
down a little bit it will show you Several pins the most let's say the
trending pins and then it will show your Related topics and inside this niche you
can then go and check how many people Are following the health field recipes
and just by doing this research you will Find out how many people are following
in this specific category or this Specific topic inside the food niche and
also you can do your further research And look for other subtopics and maybe
for something that I didn't show here But it might be a really popular in
Pinterest for example I just clicked on Clean eating and it already shows 19
point five million followers so now you Understand the niche is huge on
Pinterest and let's look at some of the Traffic sources that some popular food
bloggers are sharing in their income and Traffic reports so let's look at the
popular account of a food blog called Pinch of YUM they have over 10 million
monthly viewers they might have 20 Million or 30 million we'll never know
because 10 plus it means that they're Higher than 10 and then Pinterest
doesn't show you what's inside of their Account we can at least look into their
income reports because this site used to Publish a lot
in income reports they stopped at some Point but if we look at their recent the
latest income reports we can get some Idea of where they were getting traffic
from so in November 2016 they published An income report and at the time they
were making okay I cannot see the total For all the income sources but you can
see just from ad thrive premium ad Network they made twenty fifty two
thousand dollars in that month sponsored Content twenty two thousand dollars and
then some some other additional income Streams and now let's look at the
traffic sources so at that time they had About three million sessions or over
four million pageviews on their site and Let me just zoom in here so you can see
better what are the traffic sources for Them so the main traffic source it's
about forty seven percent is Google Organic traffic and this is 2016 okay
income report at the end of 2016 and Then Pinterest traffic shows about
eighteen percent but I would also make a
Note here because this the big category
its direct traffic that or slash none it Means that Google Analytics didn't
attribute this traffic to any specific Source and I know for sure that most of
this traffic comes actually from Pinterest is just from my own experience
and from working with a lot of clients And being on many blogging groups I know
on Facebook groups I mean I know that The biggest chunk of this direct or
unidentified traffic comes from Pinterest actually so if we make a total
it will be around What about thirty percent maybe that
comes from Pinterest and that's in the Month of November of 2016 but there is
another income report and that that was For February 2015 so it was much earlier
when their site didn't get so much Traffic from Google yet and we can see
here that they made about twenty six Thousand on that
and they had about three million Pageviews and at that time Pinterest
were was the main traffic source for Them it was very similar to Google that
at that time Pinterest was actually the Primary traffic source and then we can
also see that there was a lot of direct Or not identify traffic which again I'm
claiming that a lot of this traffic is Actually from Pinterest and so you can
make the total and you'll see that it's About 50% that they were getting from
Pinterest I'm going to show you more Accounts so you don't get the impression
that it's just been driven that they're So lucky on Pinterest so this come this
block has about 1.7 million monthly Viewers on Pinterest which actually is
not so much they could be doing even Better and so here in this income report
she shows that how much money she made In 2019 and if we scroll down a little
bit we'll see here that the main traffic Source was Google for them but then the
second traffic source plus the direct None they have about 8% so the further
the first is Google then its Pinterest Referral and then its direct none which
again is predominantly Pinterest traffic This blogger forty aprons has a pretty
strong Pinterest account 8.2 million Monthly viewers and let me close this
and here's her income report for January 2019 she made 36 37 thousand dollars
let's see her traffic sources really Quickly can you see well what it shows
here so it shows that Google gave her About what is it about thirty five
percent of traffic and then from Pinterest she was getting about thirty
one percent of all traffic so these are At the main traffic sources again for a
food blogger and let's have a look at This blog because I found that she has a
more recent income report so the recent
One is from January 2020 she made three
point seven thousand dollars and if we Go to traffic sources we can see here
that she had about two hundred and Twenty four thousand page views in total
and the traffic sources are first mainly She gets the majority of traffic from
search Networks of which 90% from social
traffic it's coming is coming from Pinterest interesting right and only 22%
of our traffic is from Google organic Traffic and then direct traffic as well
we know the direct traffic might be Attributed to Pinterest it's obvious
that food bloggers who are not on Pinterest or not investing heavily in
this platform are really missing out on A big potential traffic source and
that's for two reasons first as we've Already seen Pinterest users are very
much in the food people love saving food Photos to their boards and try to try
them later and second because most of The food blogs just because the nature
of this niche they have an advantage Compared to many other blogging niches
and as long as for food bloggers Visually appealing photos are an
essential part of their content they Don't really need to put too much
additional effort into making their Content appealing for Pinterest users
they already have all these photos on Their site and one more thing that I
wanted to mention here which is an Advantage also of food bloggers in
comparison to other niches on Pinterest This feature of tried it because we can
see here on some of the most popular Pins that Pinterest shows high in search
results or shows in the recommended pins We often see that a lot of users like
regular Pinterest users try to copy the Recipe and try to make their own version
and then they post their photos and Other users are commenting on this look
at this 23 comments under one photo like This and then it continues and then goes
on and on and every user is trying to Show their own version and they it's
kind of a competition between them and They're commenting on each other's
photos as a result this pin becomes Super viral and super popular and gets a
lot of traffic to the site obviously not In every blogging niche this
user-generated content can so easily Boost the pins virality for example if
you are in personal finance niche what Kind of user-generated photos you could
possibly expect see what I mean Pharr I was talking about the advantages
that food bloggers have when it comes to Pinterest marketing so I pointed out why
it's great to be on Pinterest and often Why it's so much easier for food
bloggers to drive traffic from this
Platform compared to bloggers in other
niches now it's time to talk about the Ways that food bloggers can make their
Pinterest strategy even more effective And I will mention here some things that
a lot of food bloggers totally miss Which cost them possibly a lot of
traffic from Pinterest so here are the Most typical mistakes I've seen on many
food blogs that are struggling with Pinterest traffic and the first mistake
is that they take a lot of horizontal Images and post them into their blog
posts or sometimes they use those Typical Instagram type of images that
are square shape and I'll have to repeat It here for Pinterest images have to be
vertical the image ratio can be between 2 to 3 and 1 to 2 and if you really
really have to upload some horizontal Photos like here for example on your
recipe post then at least you need to Make sure that those specific horizontal
images are not available to be saved From your page what I mean here if a
user is on a mobile device for example Inside a Pinterest app and they click to
save something from your page let's say Using this button this blogger actually
has done a good job and she's hiding all The images and I'll show you later how
to do it but only the vertical images Are available to be saved from this post
which is good and the image sizes that Are recommended to be saved on Pinterest
for this here are 100 1000 by 1500 Pixels if we're talking about 2 to 3
image ratio well if you're if you're Looking at the image ratio of 1 to 2 the
taller images the maximum height of the Image should be 1 to 2 ratio then it
would be 1000 by 2,000 peak CIL's and I Know that a lot of site owners are
concerned about the size of their images Because it does make the page heavy when
you have multiple images and all if all Of them are
this big 1,000 by 1,500 or 1000 2000 Pixels it can make your page pretty
happy which can affect negatively your Google rankings so to minimize this
effect maybe you could try to use this 600 by 900 pixels because this is the
image resolution that Pinterest Previously recommended in their best
practices page so I guess that it would Still be okay if you use 600 by 900 but
if your images go even smaller than 600 By 900 then you're probably sacrificing
the image quality and this could Negatively then affect your performance
of these images on Pinterest and the Next mistake that doesn't happen very
often but sometimes it does that a Blogger would have no pinterest save
buttons on the post and they would just Hope that Pinterest users will be inside
Pinterest app and then they have this
Automatically or that they would have a
browser button like this one but most of The users won't have that and you need
to make sure that on your site you have Different options that allow users to
save images from your site so for Example on this site they're using on
the left top corner of each image a Cover button I would even recommend
using this button in the middle of the Image I think this way users aren't
really are not gonna miss it so these Are the buttons that I would recommend
having they are always moving together With the content of the page as long as
the user is scrolling they can still Have the option of saving it and on a
mobile device there is also an option to Save these images sorry to have this
buttons at the bottom of the page and When on a mobile the users scrolling
down they always still see these buttons That allow them to save your images and
the next very important tip is adding Pinterest optimized descriptions so when
a user is saving an image from your page What description is fetched from your
site so in most cases what will be Pulled is the post title so we're
looking at this text and if you go and Check here this is basically just the
post title and nothing else sometimes It's an
it could be alt text from of the image But alt text it should serve just for
Google SEO purposes and should be short Again but those two options are both not
ideal because usually the page title is Quite short as well as the alt text and
on Pinterest description you have to use As many keywords related to your focus
keyword as possible you possibly can Because you have up to 500 characters
and you can include hashtags as well and This is recommended to have some
relevant hashtags inside your pin Description if you want users to save
images from your site with Pinterest Optimized descriptions what you should
do instead is either add data pin Description attribute to your images
manually inside your HTML code it can be Rather complicated if you have to do it
for multiple images on the same page so You can read about this attribute on the
official Pinterest page for developers It shows here that by default it will
get the page title but if you have an Attribute data pin description for an
image then it will help users save your Images with Pinterest optimized
descriptions or you can simply use the Growl plug-in that allows you to add
these Pinterest specific descriptions at The end of each blog post or a recipe
post and it will be applied at an Automatically to all the images that you
have on the post and when a user is
Trying to save then that's how it might
look like in on my site you have a long Description with a lot of hashtags as
well and I talked in detail about all This settings for your pins for spin
sharing from your site inside my course Pinterest SEO traffic secrets and I have
a specific lesson that shows all the Settings of this grow plugin for example
and of course you'll find a lot more Tips there inside the course that will
help you move your traffic from Pinterest to the next level but if
you're not ready to dive into the paid Program yet and if you still want to see
what is the potential of Pinterest Platform for you then you're welcome to
join my free Pinterest master Again the link will be in the top right
corner and also in the description below This video now my next tip it would be
engaging with your audience in comments Under the pin so I just showed you that
the most popular pins especially in the Food niche are getting a lot of trial
photos and what you can do as a food Blogger identify your popular pins
luckily it's not super difficult because You will see in your Google Analytics
which of your pins are trending and when You see those trending pins you can go
to the comments section reply to every Photo that users uploaded under European
or maybe give them a like like here for Example or give a like to other
commenters so you can just say that it Looks yummy but you could also ask
questions you could ask users which Ingredients they changed in the recipe
or well whatever like how much time it Took them to cook it any kind of
engagement that you can generate under Your pin will help you pin stay viral
for a longer time and rank higher on Pinterest for a longer time and my next
tip is about adding text overlay to European images one very common mistake
that I see a lot of food bloggers make Is having a lot of images just photos of
their recipes on the on the side but no Text overlay and even if I try as a user
to save something from this side there Will be all these images without any
text overlay on them and you see what Happens if this image without text
overlay shows up inside Pinterest search Results there will be another image that
the user might find with the text Overlay and just because this text
totally explains them what exactly they Should expect on their site when they
click through from the pin they might Prefer your competitors in a pin just
because it's more clear to them if I was Working with this blogger for example I
would tell her to add at least a few Images to her post that will have the
text overlaid on top of the pin in the
Top part of the pin and maybe make those
images with text overlay pinna bell and Some of those non vertical images the
square images that Related to this exact post should be
even hidden from this page their users Cannot save them and just to prove you
my point I went back to the pin that was Trending on Pinterest and you can see
here that a blogger created a pin with Actually with some text overlay it could
be much bigger she could make it taller And use more space for the text overlay
but anyway the image that is trending is Not one of those images that had no text
at all it's actually the the image the Only image that she created specifically
for Pinterest and it has text overlay And there is one topic with lots of
debates among food bloggers it's Enabling or disabling recipe rich pins
I'm looking right now at a recipe rich Pin it has the title it has some
ingredients all the detailed ingredients Of the of the recipe it has even some
description and also it has this stars That show how many reviews they have you
see since recipe rich pins are showing So much information on the pin itself
there are some food bloggers that Believe that they're losing traffic
because of having rich pins enabled for Their recipes and so the debate is
between having them on the rich pins on Recipes or having them off I personally
do not think that if someone saw the Ingredients on your pin and they will
not still want to go to read the full Recipe on your site because as a user I
always go to the website to read the Full detailed instruction and I hope
that maybe there will be some short Video about the recipe as well and
that's what I cannot see on the on the Recipe pin but that's my personal user
experience and I don't I haven't seen Any solid research on you know on
multiple food blogs that would prove Statistically that click-through rates
and that traffic is better when your Recipe pins are disabled and I cannot
take any side in these debates among Food bloggers I think that each food
blogger should take the wrong decision After evaluating very carefully all the
pros and pros and cons because if you Think about it if you if you have the
pens enabled and you're thinking that You might be losing some traffic because
of that think about it very carefully Before you disable the rich pins because
when you do so you will not only remove The ingredients from those pins right
you will also lose the pin title and Even though as a website owner you can
always create pins from your site with This pin titles it doesn't apply to
users regular users from your site when
They will be saving pins from Pinterest
their pins without the rich pins enabled Will have no pin titles and so you will
be losing a lot of context and people Will be saving your pins without any
keywords on them right so it doesn't Help much with your Pinterest SEO so you
really need to think well if you decide To to disable rich pins on your recipes
I hope this video was useful and if you Know anyone who really needs to watch it
and to get their Pinterest traffic to The next level then share a link to this
video with them or share it in some of Your communities for food bloggers
because I want these tips to help as Many people as possible and if you have
some great tips of yours which I missed In this video and you think they could
help others then share them in the Comment section below this video and
give me a thumb up if you found this Video useful
it will help YouTube algorithm get Smarter and understand which content is
really worth showing to more people Subscribe and hit the bell button if you
want more of my Pinterest tips and if You have any questions about Pinterest
marketing the best place to ask me is in The comments below the video I'm doing
my best to reply to all the questions That show up on my channel and I'm
signing off for today now but before you Leave here are my other videos which are
perfectly complementary to what I shared With you today
check them here and there and I'll see You in the next videos