Hey guys welcome back to my channel if You are new here I am katha the owner of The content bug and I am here to help You follow your passion by growing your Audience online today I want to talk to You about the plugins that I absolutely Can't live without on my website and I Honestly had the hardest time boiling it Down to 5 plugins that I absolutely feel Like I need on my website but I did my Best and I boiled it down to 5 and I Think I'm gonna create another video of Just like SEO related plugins that you Absolutely need for your website because I feel like I just have a ton of plugins That I love and I didn't realize how Much I use them until I decided to Create this video so let's go ahead and Get into it the first plug-in I Absolutely love absolutely need and it Might not seem important to you but it Is so important is the broken link Checker this plugin helps to make sure That you don't have any broken links or Any missing images on your website and I Use this plug-in because I have a ton of Links all over my website all Interlinking my blog post to each other Linking the external resources and so Many things are just linked and when you Have broken links on your website it Hurts your SEO and of course it hurts Your user ability so I want to make sure That my website is always running at top

Notch so I use broken link checker and It runs tests on my website every single Day to see if there are any broken links Anything new that popped up any images That are missing and it warns you where They are and how you can fix them so Broken link checker is my bestie the Next one probably shouldn't be not Surprising to you because it is Yoast SEO the Yoast SEO plug-in is an absolute Must and the first two plugins look at That are already both SEO ones it's just An absolute must I wouldn't be able to Do what I do without them it helps to SEO all of my pages and everything I Really need so if you don't have the Oast SEO plug-in come oh the next I want to talk about I actually got Because I was having a spam problem on My website for so long I had a spam Shield on my website and I was paying For it and I was like you know what I'm Not gonna pay for it anymore like I Don't notice any spam comments of course I didn't notice any spam comments Because Was paying for his fam field one said he Disarmed that shield I noticed that I Had a ton of spam comments and every Single morning I was going in and I was Deleting 30-plus comments that I was Getting all my blog posts just from spam So I decided to install the WP spam Shield is the plugin and it works like a

Dream it blocks so many spam comments That I get on my blog post and I don't Have to do anything I just had to set it Up leave it and the best part is that It's free so I'm no more paying for a Spam shield I'm just using a plugin that Does it all for me for free if you Watched any of my other videos talking About Pinterest or Google search console Then you know that I love tracking a Code manager this plugin is absolutely a Must especially if you are managing your Website on your own I manage my website I do everything myself so tracking – and Manager helps so that I can add code to My site where I need to and code being Like Pinschers verification Google Verification Facebook tracking pixel all That stuff that needs to be done that You don't really think about when you Start a website tracking code manager is A place to do it say you can add those Codes you can add that verification text In to your website before the head after The head wherever you need it Seriously tracking code manager must a New last plugin I want to share with you Guys is actually the only plugin that I Have ever paid for and it is essential Grid I get this question a lot with how I create grids how I run my resource Library how I share my blog posts on Some of the pages of my website and it Is typically through essential grid it

Is the only plugin I've ever paid for But it's totally 100% worth it I paid a One-time fee and I have it for the rest Of my life or the life of my blog um and It's just it's it's a game changer it Helps to organize my website a little Bit better it helps to add a feature That my fee intolerant organize my blog Post on my website so that they're Easier to be found and with my free Resource library I wouldn't be able to Have my free resource library without it So essential grid is huge to me and that Is it those are these five plugins that I absolutely cannot live without trust Me guys I had a hard time boiling it Down to these five because I have so Many plugins that I absolutely love but If you are stumbling and Plugins here like where do I even get Started these five are your go-to and if You have any questions about how to use Any of the plugins or more information Like why the heck you really need travel Food manager or how to use it just let Me know down in the comment section down Below and I will be creating more videos For you guys very very soon bye guys