Hi if you want to learn how i created This blog planner and listed it on Amazon internationally stick around and You'll find out hi there my name is anna And i'm a blogging growth strategist and Coach helping bloggers and content Creators increase their blog traffic and Income one of the things that i've been Teaching bloggers and small business Owners is how to create ebooks and other Digital products to sell on their blog Or to their audiences to scale their Online income but why it's up there when You can create and publish physical Books and planners as well this planner Is actually the second paperback that i Have listed on amazon the other one Being my how to start a money making Blog book that's available both in Kindle in paperback format but for this Planner it was imperative that it was Physical because i wanted people to be Able to handwrite stuff in and Especially when it comes to tracking Your goals writing down your goals i Just find it it works so much better When you have a physical planner my Planner is obviously related to my niche And it's meant for bloggers who want to Keep track of their analytics traffic But you can create a printable planner For your audience no matter the niche That you are in and it's such an amazing Way to generate passive income with

Amazon without any upfront printing Costs the way that amazon works is Basically they print out the journal in The format that you chose and the size That you chose when you get an order and Then they just keep a cut of the Printing fee for that but you don't have To commit to printing thousands of Copies in advance or anything like a Traditional publishing deal where you Then have to kind of stock the goods Sell them ship them out yourself in fact You can create your own planner or books To be listed on amazon for very very Cheap or even free it cost me under 30 To 50 to create this planner and a lot Of the tools that i use i already had a Subscription to i will walk you through All the steps in this video but if You're curious about a couple of the Things that i invested in or i bought to Create this planner They were a canva pro subscription which Allowed me to design the both the cover Actually and the actual pages in it then I bought a couple of cheeky canva Templates off design bundles and a Couple of other websites that i will List below as well they're really great Resource if graphic design isn't your Main area of expertise and you want to Create something quickly just keep in Mind to buy their commercial license Which will allow you to then resell

These pages or at least print them out In a physical planner i also bought a Couple of fonts because with canva if You want to be able to sell the product You have to own your own fonts rather Than using their fonts and then i bought A couple of author samples so i tried Out a couple of different book covers Before choosing a winner and i wanted to Make sure that everything on the actual Planner and the pages were the way that I designed them to and they looked good When printed out just because when you Upload your pdf manuscript to amazon They sometimes make changes to make sure Everything fits into the pages so i was Able to rectify a couple of these pages That i didn't like the look of When i printed them out and then changed Them for the final version before Publishing but enough about my planner By the way that you can find on amazon Isn't this exciting um enough about this Let me show you how you can create your Own planner it's a super simple system To come up with something that your Audience will buy the first step is to Pick a purpose research your niche ask Your audience or pay attention to their Needs and their wants when it comes to Planners or journals or something that You can create that is low content so in Other words you're just creating the Template for them to fill out their

Thoughts and their to-do lists and so on That's why planners are such a great Product to create because unlike ebooks That are quite bulky a couple of my Books and ebooks have up to 40 000 words And i had to put everything together and It took me months and months this took Me a couple of weeks to create and That's because i was very specific about The pages in the lineup but with low Content books you're basically creating The framework for people to fill in Their own thoughts so it's super easy You just have to figure out the purpose Of it so then make sure that the content In it and the pages serve that purpose So what are you trying to create is it a Daily planner do you need daily pages is It a productivity planner in that case Maybe you need to do lists and checklist Are you creating it for busy moms you Also have to manage households of Responsibility or are you creating it For business owners who want more of the Analytic tracking thing so for example My planner i created pages where they Can keep track of very specific Analytics when it comes to blog traffic Page view sessions audience so before You get any further pick a purpose and Then think about what sets yours apart Once you have that figured out you want To plan out the sections of the planner And the pages in your head what kind of

Repeating pages will it have so like i Said low content planners are such a Great way to get started because if it's A daily monthly annual thing then every Single month or week or day will repeat So whatever pages you create for one of The days you can copy it again for the Next day so before you start designing Or putting this together in terms of the Pages you want to build it in your head First what will you need for each Section and which sections you will be Able to basically replicate and copy Based off things you've already designed And created a really good tip for Creating something that really helps Your audience and that stands apart Is to look at amazon reviews and online Reviews in general of other planners in Your niche or in similar niches and see What's missing so when i read reviews For other blog planners they wanted more Space to track the analytics rather than Just brainstorming the foundation there Were bloggers who were already Established who were just looking to Keep track of stuff like that rather Than in the very beginning phases they Didn't need to brainstorm their blog Niche anymore they knew who their Audience was they just wanted a way to Literally journal and plan things out For the next quarter or the next year The next step of course is to start

Creating it on canva keep in mind that Because you're creating a commercial Product so something that you're gonna Sell the end of product you can't use Any of the canva templates i know it's So tempting even if you have a pro Account or a free account they have Stunning pages and templates that you Can use for personal use but you cannot Redistribute them so you have to create Everything from scratch or you have to Use templates that you bought a Commercial license for because that Seller allowed you to sell their stuff Further if that makes sense so like i Said if you have the patience and you Have the skills build it from scratch They have the building elements that you Can use and then kind of put together Everything and sell them i bought my Templates off this off design bundles And i'll leave a link below because they Have so many super talented creators and They're quite affordable i bought like About 20 different bundles and things And i just used the pages that i liked And then i made adjustments to the pages That they already had so even if you buy Pre-made stuff don't forget to customize It so that everything fits together Especially if you're using pages from Different bundles and things that you've Bought make sure that they all kind of Follow a linear path and of course

Something super important when it comes To building this on canva is to make Sure you have the right size for the Template so they will come in a variety Of sizes for the page or for the design In canva when you buy them or when you Make them you can basically set your own But what you need to check first is the Size that you want and the kdp Regulations for it in other words canva And kdp which is their kindle publishing Program have specific sizes for books And planners that they print out so you Need to pick one of their available Sizes if you want them to obviously list It on amazon and print it out all you Need to do is pick one and stick to one For every single design so once you Picked your desire size for the journal And started creating it in canva and Creating these pages once you're happy With the pages and you've done all the Kind of intro extra and the bit in the Middle which is the bulk of the content Then you can duplicate the pages that You're gonna reuse for either months Weeks or even if you just want to give People more space in the book to fill Out something that canva lacks a feature Of is adding page numbers which you have To do manually amazon requires you to Obviously insert the page numbers to Your pages that you create in canva keep In mind that when you create canva

Designs you can have a maximum of 100 Pages that doesn't mean your journal Needs to be only 100 pages long it just Means you might need to create two parts Of it and then merge them together as a Pdf once you have your final pdf Manuscript it's time to create your kdp Account and upload it there creating a Kdp account is actually free and super Easy to do that is something that i walk My ebook bestseller bootcamp students Through the whole process of setting That up and publishing their ebooks or Paperbacks on the platform but amazon Will basically walk you through the same Thing you simply have to create a new Paperback fill in your details before Publishing amazon will also ask you to Upload your manuscript make sure to Choose the same size that you initially Set on when it comes to the manuscript Size or the size of your journal and Then you can upload or create your own Cover what i did for my planner is i Used their kind of cover creator But i created just this image in canva Because it was much easier to create Something unique so they'll tell you the Exact size of the cover file and then You can select some very simple kind of Backend and spine designs to go with That so for example i just have my photo Here a quick description and a couple of Reviews usually last but not least you

Want to preview your file amazon has an Online preview that you actually are Obligated to go through before they let You hit publish that goes through every Single page and making sure that Everything fits when you have white Elements or journal elements some stuff Might be out of the bleed line which is Just the white space that they use on The edge to make sure that everything is Printed and central the preview will let You know and it will come up with alerts If anything is on the edge of that then You need to fix in canva and then Re-upload the manuscript and of course The best test to figure this out is once You've gone through the publishing Process you can order an author copy This will be super cheap to order and They'll usually dispatch it within a few Days and then you can get the physical Journals in your hands and Kind of go through every single page When i did that i literally made notes On the edges of it of the things that i Wanted to change or improve went ahead In canva made those improvements and Then published officially on amazon Whenever you're happy with the final Designs and the look of it you're ready To launch it an easy way to generate Sales is to invest in amazon sponsored Ads they will basically pay for Themselves so whenever i enable ads i

Still make money on top of that and it's A great passive way to not only get a Whole new audience to learn about you And your blog but also make passive Sales off a product that you've already Created that being said if you're Interested in learning more about how to Create low content books for amazon or Even instructional and useful books and Paperbacks and self-publish as an author On amazon or even sell these ebooks on Your own platform for a bigger chunk of The profit make sure to follow along and Check out the links in the description As i'll link to a couple of useful Guides that i have that will help you Through the next step of actually Promoting your products once you've Created it and making more sales as Always thank you for sticking by if you Learned something new make sure to like This video and subscribe and of course If you could do me the biggest favor in The world and go and grab my blog growth Planner off amazon is available on all Amazons and if you leave a review and Email me after i will send over a very Special surprise and reward just as a Thanks [Music] You